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Molenaar Home

Big Hill Electrical Services is proud to have assisted SAIT in their Living Building Challenge (LBC) project, a project dedicated to sustainable home building. We provided our expertise in helping research and implement electrcial green solutions to create an innovative technology for sustainable homes. Our team was proud to help SAIT in overcoming the many obstacles and challenges faced in finding appropriate material, staying within code, and keeping within a reasonable budget. Big Hill Services maintains a mission of helping give back to the community and helping provide sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.

What is the Living Building Challenge?

In partnership with homebuilder Woodpecker European Timber Framing and the homeowner, SAIT’s Green Building Technologies (GBT) provided research and technology to support the construction of a Living Building west of Calgary — a resilient home that produces more energy than it uses, captures water on site and creates a positive impact on its people and environment. Together, we hope to achieve the highest possible certification through the Living Building Challenge (LBC), the world’s most rigorous green building rating program and sustainable design framework. They are targeting to be the fourth house in the world to do it and the first to do so in a uniquely Albertan climate — all on a considerably smaller budget than similar projects.

The 2,200 square foot custom home called, “The Confluence” finished construction in August 2020, and will undergo 12 months of monitoring to be eligible to receive full certification. 19 students and 5 alumni from various SAIT programs were involved in bringing the project from design to completion.

See more information on the LBC project here and SAIT’s article on the LBC.